
2011年12月3日 星期六

蘋果icam-Apple iCam

Apple iCam

Apple iCam

Apple iCam

The Apple iCam is a concept camera by Italian designer Antonio DeRosa. The camera would add interchangeable lenses to your iPhone, simply attach your iPhone 5 to the case and you’ll have yourself a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera with a huge LCD screen, fast processor, internet connectivity, and countless photo apps. Good idea!

蘋果 ICAM是由意大利設計師 Antonio DeRosa的概念相機。會添加可互換鏡頭到您的iPhone,只需貼在iPhone5,你就會一個大液晶螢幕的可換鏡頭相機快速的處理器,網際網路連接​​和無數照片app。真是個好主意!

