
2012年8月26日 星期日

古代怪物從沈睡中醒來The Ancient One Awakens from His Long Slumber

Another normal day at Innsmouth Beach.
It looks like three surfers are about to be devoured by a Lovecraftian sea monster or a horde of giant octopi. It just depends on how ridiculous the low-budget horror movie that it was taken from is.
Actually, that's just what a wave looks like when it's full of sunlight and enough seaweed to choke a sperm whale, and it's not all that uncommon. Of course, that just means that when the tentacled monsters do decide to attack, they'll blend right in with the seaweed until it's too late.
        在一個平常日中,Innsmouth 海灘,這些看起像是要吞掉衝浪者的海怪或是者說是巨型的章魚,感覺就好像從那些低成本的電影出來的特效一樣好笑。(按:原文是拉夫克拉夫特式的海怪,拉夫克拉夫特式是一位恐怖小說家,在此簡化翻譯)


